Tatu - flat triangular shawl with a not so deep point
Tatu - flat triangular shawl with a not so deep point
Tatu is a flat triangular shawl with an effective relief pattern, suitable for women, men and children alike. It's quick and easy to work.
The manual consists - as usual - of
- a detailed written part
- an easily readable crochet chart created on the PC
- Detail photos and photo explanations
- Links to 2 explainer videos
- a table with the information and guide values of the testers on consumption and size
MR - Magic Ring
ch - chain
dc - double crochet
tc - treble crochet
fpdc - front post double crochet
bpdc - back post double crochet
pdc - post double crochet
coverphoto: 1000 m, 3-ply 50/50 cotton/polyacryl Funny Hooks Bobbel Hänsel & Gretel, Size 198 x 51 cm, Hooksize 3
1000 m, 3-ply, 100 % cotton "cotton funny hooks" von Rennratterls bunte Wollwunderwelt,
Size: 216 x 53 cm; Hooksize 3
Desired wool and matching crochet hook.
I wish you a lot of fun working on the shawl. Please don't mind asking me any questions if something is not clear. As english is not my native language, so please be kind :)
you can always contact me at daniela@funnyhooks.com
Copyright by funny hooks & happy crochets - Daniela Ringbauer-Svecovs;
All rights reserved. Only for PRIVATE USE. The manual or parts of it may not be copied, reproduced, published or exchanged online or in print.
The sale of the shawl, made with the help of this manual is of course allowed with reference to the designer.